On the keypad enter the 4 digit PIN you chose to open/close the garage door and then press the 6. On the keypad press and hold the * and # buttons at the same time until the backlight on the keypad goes off. Note the numerical value for DIP switch locations in order. The numerical value for DIP switch locations “+”=1, “0”=2 and “-“=3. *Your first DIP switch location must be set to “-“on the opener and any remotes. Note the DIP switch locations on your opener and remotes. Chamberlain, Craftsman, Liftmaster Master Mechanic and Do It Garage door Openers with Yellow, White or Grey Smart/Learn Buttons. The garage door should open and *If the garage door does not open/close, repeat the programming steps. To test the keypad, wait until the keypad backlight goes off, then enter the PIN you chose to open/close the garage door and then press the “0” button. On the keypad enter the numerical value for the DIP switch locations in order and then press the 8. On the keypad enter the opener ID number from step 2 then press the # button. Note the locations of the DIP switches in order. On/UP position=1 and Off/Down position=2. Make notes of DIP switch locations with the following numerical value. 18=8 DIP switch Linear and Moore-O-Matic garage door openers. 16=10 DIP switch Stanley garage door opener 17=9 DIP switch Genie garage door openers. 14=10 DIP switch Linear garage door openers. Determine your garage door opener ID ID DIP Switch Type 13= 12 DIP switch Genie garage door openers. 2 Position DIP Switches (Genie, Linear and Moore-O-Matic) 1. The door should open and *If the garage door opener does not open/close, repeat the programming steps.
To test the keypad wait until the backlight on the keypad turns off, then enter the PIN you chose to use to open/close the garage door and then press the “0” button. On the keypad enter the numerical value for the DIP switch locations in order from step 3 and press the # button. On the keypad enter the opener ID number from step 2 and press the # button. On the keypad enter the 4 digit PIN you choose to use to open/close the garage door and press 6. On the keypad press and hold the * and # keys together until the keypad backlight stops 5. Note the numerical value in order of the DIP switch locations. (The opener and remote DIP switch locations must match) The numerical value for “+”=1, “0”=2 and “-“=3. On the opener and remote the first DIP switch must be set “-“ make a note of the DIP switch locations “+”, “0” or “-“ for the remaining DIP switch locations.
Determine your garage door opener ID ID DIP Switch Type 11= 9 DIP switch made in USA 12= 9 DIP switch made in Canada 15= 8 DIP switch 19=7 DIP switch 3. To program the Liftmaster 387LM Universal Wireless Keypad you will first need to determine what brand garage door opener you have and if has DIP switches or a learn button for programming.ģ Position DIP Switches (Chamberlain, Craftsman, Liftmaster, Master Mechanic and Do It openers) 1.